Since you’ve found this page, I might as well tell you what I’m doing here. I’m interested in philosophy, but I don’t have any formal or textual knowledge of any philosophers. So, I’m just going to use my active imagination and try to answer the questions of metaphysics as much as I can. Our friendly ChatGPT 4.0 will help me see how much I get right.
The reason you might want to stick around is that in this blog, I’ll be engaging in meaningful discussions about life, ethics, and metaphysics.
But not in this one, though… In this one, I’ll just talk about metaphysics. I’m taking the test from Thursday, 8 June 2023, Paper 1 METAPHYSICS, and you can find the exam paper here.
The question paper reads, “Answer three questions only.” So, I must solve three questions to pass this test. Let’s do this…
2) Are you a brain in a vat ? [metaphysics]
Let’s be objective here. Our perception of the world, while it seems real, could always be a creation of our brain or senses. That’s why dreams, while being a product of our subconscious imagination, still feel very real and responsive to our actions when we’re in the REM cycle (Rapid Eye Movement). So, the possibility of us being a brain in a vat—just existing and functioning while our AI overlords feed off our life energy—is very real. But the answer hinges on what we mean by “vat” or, more importantly, what we mean by “brain.”
I think in this context, when we refer to the brain, we’re talking about consciousness. And when we say “vat,” we’re referring to the limitations of our sensory system, which is also known as our body.
So, like every philosophical question I’ve encountered, this one requires a counter-question. But since we don’t have the liberty of doing that, I’ll answer with my understanding of the world.
There are two possible answers to this question.
1st Answer: Assuming the question is literal, the possibility of us being in a tank full of liquid, with a yellow light shining on a brain and 13 metallic cables attached to key areas of our brain (like the hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex), is very real. Maybe I’m named 19B-2005, with a sticker on the bottom of the tank, and our AI overlords are sucking out our life force. While this is theoretically possible, I refuse to believe it.
First, it’s highly hypothetical and unprovable. Second, it takes a very nihilistic approach to life, where nothing matters. And what good does that do for any human? None. So, no, I don’t think we’re brains in vats because that would stop us from ever being powerful enough to break out of the said vat. If we must discover that I am named 19B-2005 and I am in a vat, we should do so with logic and reasoning rather than imagination.
2nd Answer: Assuming the question is asking about the biggest mystery of the human mind—consciousness—then yes, we are consciousness residing in our bodies, which could be referred to as a vat.
Kool now I have done it and it’s time for my lunch so I guess I will see you guys in the next part ? sign-up to the email list so you don’t miss a meaningful Discussion on life.
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