How subjective morality can kill society ?

Intellect and creativity have a tendency to be isolated in the middle of chaos, but a very specific type of intellect seeks attention, collaboration with people, and asks questions. This intellect is the dialect of any great leader of the world. I am talking about political philosophy and how does that connect with morality.

Light and Dark

We live in a very strange time; we war—or we always have lived in strange times. I can’t remember a time when freedom was not in danger, when good was not at war with essence of evil.

But to me, philosophy seems more polarized than ever. We don’t only have right or left; we have extreme right and extreme left. Heck, we even have scientological right with hints of nihilism.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we are living in a society of identity politics.

In this era, when most youth are struggling to define their identity (vastly because of multicultural ideology adopted by the West, Europe, and India), it makes the war of identity politics really complex and also gives an explanation on why identity politics is spread so much.

Why identity matters in morality

In this eternal war, we not only fight with other people that we are right, but we also fight with our own sense that we are right. One thing that influences right and wrong more than reality is political ideology. One of the fundamental truths of morality is that it’s not invented; it’s inherited or discovered. To discover anything, you have to be living between order and chaos. This explains the uncertain nature of politics.

But morality is also inherited.

If, as a kid, you were not told that you should not hurt anyone, then maybe you would have killed someone—except kids are not neurologically and muscularly developed enough to do any harm. Morality is something your parents taught you; it’s something society embedded in you. But what if you weren’t raised that way? What if you were raised in hatred? What if it was said to you that whosoever is not of your clan should and must die, and you should be the one to do it.

Let’s take an example: if you are a kid who was raised in the Middle East, in a center of extremists, if you don’t kill a non-Muslim, then you are morally wrong. In another geographical location of the world—say, if you live in India or America—if you kill a non-Muslim, you will be wrong.

In Nazi Germany, people thought it was absolutely moral to kill Jews. There were far more intellectual and scientific justifications of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany than justifications of the Nazis’ evil in America. Needless to say, if Hitler had won, we would be hailing him, not hating him. As I said, politics lives and dies right between chaos and order. This is the reason political ideology that influences the morals of millions can be wrong, thus making millions of people evil.

In this blog, I explain subjective morality and objective morality, and how political ideology influences morality. I haven’t yet covered how subjective morality can potentially harm society, so make sure to subscribe/Follow and stay tuned for that!

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